Write for Us
Welcome to MountainBikesLab.com.
As you know, our website is mainly concerned with the avid mountain biker. We strive to offer detailed information about everything that is related to mountain biking from gear to accessories and tips. We are always looking forward to receiving insightful information and rich content to provide our readers with everything they need. If you have experience with mountain biking or can provide useful and rich mountain biking content, then this is the right place for you and we are requesting you to write for us.
Who can Write for Us?
We are looking for exceptional writers who will go that extra mile to provide useful information. We welcome guest post submissions provided that they add something to our readers and our website.
We are not after fillers or copied content. We encourage you to speak your mind and provide your content as we will check for originality. We don’t accept spun articles or poor content since we strive to offer the best and most comprehensive posts. We want to make sure that our readers have access to the most detailed information to guarantee that they will be back for more.
Article Guidelines
- We only accept articles about mountain biking. If you are a mountain biker yourself or have some experience regarding mountain biking, then you are most welcomed to submit your content. We need well-researched articles that are meant to deliver useful information. If our readers like your articles, we will probably ask you to submit more.
- We ONLY accept 100% original content. We have access to tools that we use to test for originality and uniqueness. If you are going to send spun articles or copied content, then we would appreciate it if you don’t waste your time or ours. We publish only articles that have been specifically written for our website.
- We encourage you to visit our website and take a look at the published articles. You can write How-to articles, best product articles or whatever you think will draw our reader’s boat. Just make sure that you follow the theme of the website. Any content that is related to mountain biking or would interest a mountain biker is welcomed.
- Article length shouldn’t be less than 700 words. We encourage you to be creative. You can add pictures, infographics, tables or videos that you think will enrich your content.
- We don’t accept articles that have been published elsewhere. Make sure that you submit only original and new content.
- We will allow for 1 Do-follow links to trustworthy and respectable websites. Please don’t link our articles to unethical websites, porn, medical or gambling websites.
- Make sure that your article is readable and interesting. Use the proper formatting and paragraphing to improve readability. You can use lists, bullet points or whatever you think would make your article easier to read and understand.
- If you agree with our guidelines, then we encourage you to start working on your content right away.
- Please send your article in an email with the subject: “Guest Post Request”. It might take up to 2-7 days to review your content and publish it on our website.
- After the publication of the article, it becomes the property of MountainBikesLab.com You will not have any right to publish, alter or delete it. We will give you credit of course, by mentioning the author’s name and in some special cases, we might publish the author’s bio. You can also share it on social media.
- We hold the right to accept or reject any content for any reason.
- Please visit our website here and take a look at our latest content.
How To Submit Your Article?
Please, send your article in doc/docs/pdf formate with minimum an image and keywords to writeforus@mountainbikeslab.com
We are looking forward to receiving your content.